International Balanced Scorecard Certification Master Class

The 5 day international Balanced Scorecard Certification Master Class is based on the materials and concept developed by Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton will set you and your organization on the path to breakthrough performance results.
It practical approach is designed to create a unique and memorable experience for participants that will provide a strong practical base knowledge of the Balanced Scorecard that gets beyond the theory.
Learning outcome
Topic and subtopic
Learning Objectives

Developing the Strategy

  1. Developing a Customer Focused Strategy
  • System’s thinking approach to strategic planning
  • Mission, values and vision statements, Customer
  • Value Proposition
  • Strategic priorities and strategies explained
  • What is the difference between strategic plan and business plan?
  1. Develop Strategy Maps for your Strategy
  • Link strategic objectives across the  four Balanced Scorecard objectives
  • Examples of great strategy maps from the  private and public sector
  • Strategic themes: a new framework for organizing strategy maps and strategy implementation

Developing the Balanced

Scorecard Framework

  1. Develop Balanced Scorecards and Strategic Initiatives for your Strategy
  • Selecting Balanced Scorecard Objectives, Measures and Targets
  • Put the strategy into action with Strategic
  • Initiatives
  • Select portfolios of strategic initiatives by theme
  • Use theme teams to organize the implementation of strategic initiatives

Driving Organizational Synergies

  1. Align Organizational Units to Achieve Corporate Synergies
  • Defining the corporate value proposition
  • Achieving vertical and horizontal alignment among business units
  • Cross-organisational alignment with external
  • stakeholders
  • Departmental and Divisional Scorecards Development
  1. Align Employees to the Strategy
  • Communicating strategy to employees
  • Aligning employee objectives to strategic priorities
  • Designing employee incentive plans linked to business
  • unit’s strategic priorities
  • Identifying strategic job families necessary for strategy execution

Achieving Organizational Excellence

  1. Link Strategy to Operational Excellence
  • Aligning quality and continuous improvement programs to strategic objectives
  • Developing and deploying operational dashboards to drive
  • continuous improvement
  • Leverage technology infrastructure – IT as a strategic partner
  • Automation of the Balanced Scorecard – when is the balanced scorecard software necessary
  1. Review and Monitor Strategy Implementation
  • Operational review meetings
  • Strategy review meetings
  • Monitoring and guiding strategy implementation
  • Making mid-course corrections in strategy execution
  1. Evaluate the Strategy
  • Testing  the  causal  linkages  in your strategy: when are you implementing a bad strategy well versus implementing poorly a good  strategy?

Sustaining High Performance over the long term - The Two Strategic Enablers

  1. Create the new Strategy Management Office
  • Performing and synchronizing the multiple strategy execution processes
  • What are the specific roles of the Strategy Management
  • Officer?
  • What is the recommended reporting structure?
  1. Leading Transformational Change
  • What is “Leadership”? How does “Leadership” differ from “Management”?
  • Leading transformational strategic change versus incremental, operational changes
  • The Strategic Change Agenda:  Creating the roadmap for change