Certified Key Performance Indicators Professional

Learn how to build a sound framework for measuring KPIs, starting from the moment they are selected, until results are collected and centralized in performance reports. Below is the step by step of the KPI programme;


Learning Outcome Code
Learning Objectives
Topics and Sub topics


  • Identify main challenges in performance measurement;           
  • Understand the role of business performance measurement systems;    
  • Acknowledge 6 arguments to get buy-in for a KPI implementation project.

The World of KPIs

  1. Challenges in performance measurement
  2. The value added by KPIs
  3. Organizational levels
  4. KPI concept map
  5. Governance


  • Define objectives, KPIs and initiatives according to terminology standards;
  • Develop SMART objectives;
  • Identify the stage of KPI lifecycle.

Understanding KPIs

  1. KPI related terminology
  2. SMART objectives decomposed
  3. KPI lifecycle


  • Differentiate leading and lagging KPIs in different contexts;
  • Define efficiency and effectiveness;
  • Use the variety of KPI typologies to enhance the KPI selection process.

KPI Typology

  1. Leading vs lagging KPIs
  2. Qualitative vs quantitative KPIs
  3. Efficiency vs effectiveness KPIs


  • Integrate KPIs into the bigger picture;
  • Identify at least 5 different contexts in which KPIs can be used;
  • Understand the multiple facets of measuring objectives.

KPI Taxonomy

  1. Interdisciplinary systemic worldview
  2. KPI use case scenarios
  3. KPI DNA Map


  • Design a well structured KPI selection process;
  • Recognize useful KPI selection sources;
  • Deploy KPI selection techniques.


KPI Selection

  1. KPI selection for organizational scorecard
  2. KPI selection sources
  3. KPI selection techniques


  • Identify different approaches to align KPI within the organization;
  • Select KPIs for corporate scorecard;
  • Cascade KPIs from organizational level to departmental level.

KPIs Alignment

  1. KPI alignment approaches
  2. Select KPIs for corporate scorecard
  3. Cascaded KPIs to functional area


  • Design a KPI documentation form;
  • Identify sources of information to document a KPI;
  • Create and maintain an organizational KPI library.


KPI Documentation

  1. KPI documentation form functions
  2. KPI documentation form design
  3. KPI documentation process
  4. Organizational KPI library development


  • Locate KPI target sources;
  • Experiment target setting for a KPI;
  • Address negative behaviors caused by target setting.


Working with targets

  1. Target setting process
  2. Challenges in working with targets
  3. Weights and Indexes
  4. Negative behaviors cause by target setting


  • Identify data quality dimensions;
  • Use KPI activation techniques and tools;
  • Address challenges in data gathering.


Data Gathering

  1. Data quality dimensions
  2. KPI reporting data sources
  3. KPI activation tools
  4. KPI activation techniques
  5. Working with data custodians
  6. Data collection methods


  • Identify good practices in data visualization;
  • Design appealing and efficient data visualization elements;
  • Choose the right visual representations for the performance scorecard and dashboard.

Data Visualization

  1. Guidelines to design efficient templates
  2. Usability in terms of visual design
  3. Scorecard and dashboard design