Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional

Certified Strategy and Business Planning Professional includes:


Learning Outcome Code
Learning Objectives
Topics and Sub topics


  • Understanding the concept of strategy;
  • Reflecting on the strategy planning parameters: aims, processes, governance, and quality standards;
  • Using the knowledge to make sense of real organizations

S1: Key concepts

  1. Strategy defined
  2. Strategy planning defined
  3. Strategy planning parameters


  • Understanding the four aspects of visioning;
  • Discussing visioning from a methodological point of view;
  • Reflecting whether best practices could be transferable to other contexts.

S2: Visioning

  1. Impact & mission;
  2. Values;
  3. Vision.


  • Understanding the purpose of scanning resources, processes and capabilities, before starting to plan the strategy;
  • Introduce a benchmarking tool – the SWOT analysis;
  • Present new perspectives on capabilities and competitive advantages.

S3: Internal environment scanning

  1. An adapted version of the VCAP model;
  2. SWOT analysis;
  3. New trends.


  • The two main tools of external environment scanning: PESTEL analysis & the Porter’s 5 forces model;
  • How to fine tune an information system into an early warning system;
  • How to link environmental scanning to strategy, through the SWOT analysis.

S4: External environment scanning

  1. PESTEL analysis;
  2. Porter’s 5 Forces Model;
  3. SWOT analysis.



  • Understanding the difference between strategic and operational objectives;
  • Integrating KPIs into the SMART formulation of objectives;
  • Get familiar with the methodologies for choosing strategic objectives.

S5: Aiming

  1. Strategic objectives & operational objectives;
  2. KPIs;
  3. Upstream planning, environmental syncing, value based planning.


  • Introducing the notions of business model, competitive and growth strategy;
  • Reviewing Blue Ocean as an alternative perspective on strategy;
  • Introducing the concept of corporate theory as a foundation for growth.

S6: Business modelling

  1. Business models and competitive strategies;
  2. Blue Ocean strategy;
  3. Growth strategies.


  • Cascading the corporate strategy at department / functional area level;
  • Build up the content of the operational business plan: operational objectives, initiatives, estimated resources, risks.

S7: Business planning

  1. A view of the HR, marketing and Operations departments;
  2. Operational business plan at department level;
  3. Risk mitigation.


  • Understanding the concept of scenarios;
  • Understanding how companies can build scenarios;
  • Understanding how scenarios can be used to test the strategy.

S8: Testing through scenario planning

  1. To scenarios, through the game of chess;
  2. Scenarios and strategy;
  3. Algorithm for defining scenarios.


  • Understanding the main processes involved in strategy monitoring and ex-post evaluation;
  • Understand strategy as a living, evolving document.

S9: Implementing and recalibrating strategy

  1. Monitoring Strategy Implementation;
  2. Evaluating strategy implementation.